#Kitsch# Such is the disease...the aestheticization of everyday life...Kitsch in fact means art incorporated into anybody’s life, art become part of the scenery and the furnishings of everyday life. In that respect,Madame Bovary is the first antikitsch manifesto. - J. Rancie`re展开全文 原微博
Google’s Eric Schmidt Unloads on China in New Book 🔗 网页链接 "In the longer run, China will see 'some kind of revolution in the coming decades,' they write."展开全文 原微博
"it is precisely there where you are not—this is the beginning of writing." 幻灭。 //@Veronica_zw: 想起他写的另外一段话,对比起来很有趣:我知道我不是为另一个人写作,知道我将写的永远不会使我爱的人爱我,知道写作无法弥补什么,升华什么。那里只是没有你的地方-这就是写作的滥觞。展开全文