hand porn又出现了//@绝世_MoreLokiMore: 现在只有这张图能拯救我//@D_CJingW_陈: 藏在白襯衫下的肌膚!交握著拿著話筒的修長的手指!!!骨骼和血管的走向!我要死了!要死了!//@金黑观察局皮大菊长: 我的视线从他明亮的指甲盖扫到了他修长的手指和性感的血管,接着滑到了他的胸上asdfghakjghaliehzd展开全文
This is one of many other reasons that I hope I was still out of somewhere else!!! @李小妞-Summer@李小妞儿Lee Girl, I miss all those time we spent together in Canada so so much!!!展开全文
当年还真和当地同学探讨过这个问题,就像平时最常听的how r u?其实没有几个人在乎你的答案!//@CaptWentworth: 哈哈哈,李伯清老师真太会搜集素材了。这种明知故问的搭讪方式一从字面上理解就很好笑了【尤其后面的夸张例子】。就和英语里那句“what's up”打招呼,没人真的是要听你的回答,一样一样的展开全文
Happy Birthday, @李小妞儿Lee although it's late, the true love will never decrease, this is my special cake for u, next time when we meet, I will buy macarons as many as you want, love u so much, xoxo, have a great night there展开全文