BBC摘抄-环境类 “The widespread use of a type of insecticide that has been blamed for honeybee deaths is linked to a marked decline in bird numbers in Europe. ”有什么是值得注意的?展开全文 原微博
早安造句:Offenders should make reparation for their crimes through community services. // Education, a precursor of rehabilitation allows criminals to reflect on their misbehaviour and to comply with laws after release. Ps. 小班报名从速哦 2月2日隆重开班~~~展开全文
BBC 囚犯要赚钱给受害人 适合雅思犯罪类题目 有词伙employment skills. 也可以模仿造句:our justice system should focus on rehabilitation of offenders and therefore, it is important to improve their employment skills.🔗 网页链接展开全文