#英语精选#【霸道总裁英语速成】配图来源于暴漫,纯粹搞笑的喔,可别当成参考翻译吖~搜集了部分参考翻译:你这磨人的小妖精You naughty little bitch! You treacherous sadistic little hussy!(电影台词);嘴上说不要,身体却很诚实呢!You said no. But your body betrayed you.剩下的大家试试[偷乐]展开全文
#实用英语#【人品】mall rat 喜欢逛购物中心的年轻人;a wise guy 骄傲自大的人;a shrinking violet 畏首畏尾的人;a wet blanket 令人扫兴的人;a late bloomer 大器晚成的人; an apple polisher 拍马屁者;an Indian giver 送东西给人后再要回去的人;an eager beaver 工作卖力的人展开全文
#国庆出游必备##大甩卖#特价:special offer/sale price/preferential price;特价中:sth is on sale, 买一送一:buy-one-get-one-free offer;减价/削价:reduced price/bargain price;折扣:discount/reduction;XX折扣中:sth is at a discount;大甩卖:closeout sale/clearance展开全文
#英语精选#【接推销电话也能赚钱】How one man turns annoying cold calls into cash:英国男子 Lee Beaumont 因受不了推销电话的骚扰,就去高收费电话平台开通了自己的高收费号码。给他打电话要支付10便士,他会从中赚得7便士。2011年11月开通以来,已经赚了300英镑。 致富新技能get√展开全文
#英语精选#【“晚安”的诠释】What is "Good night"? "G" - Go to bed; "O" - Off the light; "O" - Out of tension; "D" - Dream joy; "N" - Nice sleep; "I" - Ignore worries; "G" - Get up early; "H" - Have a nice time; "T" - Think of me all the time展开全文