//@洪灝: Together they fight in a struggle as old as China herself, freedom against slavery, good against evil, and upon it depends the future of mankind.. We in China, like you, want a better world. Not for ourselves, but for all man kind. AND WE MUST HAVE IT!" 展开全文Why We Fight: The Battle of China,一部以《义勇军进行曲》开始及结束的美国纪录片。没想到优酷上有如此高清的版本,可以清楚地看到抗战中的中国、中国人。严重推荐,请在夜深人静时,花一小时看一遍。更建议有心的高中、大学本科历史或英文老师,在课堂上播放给你的学生们。 🔗 网页链接 展开全文转发 1评论 0 原微博