这是今年听到的最棒的歌曲,CA甘当绿草,声音压得差点听不出是她。今年的Victoria's Secret Fashion Show上也演奏了男声独唱版,What a great song ! ♬我正在收听A Great Big World的单曲《Say Something (feat. Christina Aguilera)》♬http://t.cn/8kaOtXV(来自@QQ音乐)展开全文
Reid Flair, son of WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair, has passed away at the age of 24 years old PWInsider.com confirms.This photo of Reid Flair was taken earlier this year in Japan.(PWInsider确认了WWE名人堂成员Ric Flair最小的儿子Reid Flair去世的消息,享年24岁,图为他年初照于日本!)展开全文
2K and WWE today announced that they have entered into an exclusive multi-year agreement granting 2K the exclusive worldwide rights to publish the critically acclaimed WWE video game franchise across all major platforms and distribution channels.对玩NBA 2K系列的摔迷来说是好消息。展开全文
Jack Swagger was taken in by local police officers,and later released on his own recognizance.He has been charged with DUI (not alcohol), marijuana possession, and speeding.虽说是轻罪,但临近 WrestleMania 才出这样的乱子,基本就是自毁前途,Randy Orton 就是前车之鉴,星途一落千丈!展开全文
@TheRock_Johnson 更新推特 : New title. New era. New standard. (新腰带,新时代,新标准)@ WWE Heavyweight Champion. #JustBringIt# 本周 RAW ,Rock 揭晓了一条新的 WWE 冠军腰带(注意 Rock 这条个人订制腰带两边是有牛头的,帅多了!)他认为上一条像是玩具,WWE 冠军腰带不应该能“旋转”…展开全文