Hiking with Kif through the Lemon Squeeze! 我在:Allwood Rd 原微博 门外的胡人
哈哈哈哈//@愚笨的小杨大爱Herodotus: 这。。。。。何院士不愧是我党好同志! 原微博 门外的胡人
As I went thru history - at times of economic softening, parties/movements, say Occupy Wall Street, always show up facing the wrong problem. Their equivalent movements were evident in the 1929 great depression, and at the end, the movements cost their entire career/happiness. 展开全文钓鱼岛,黄岩岛,日本的北方四岛之争都是外交家和政治家无事生非,小事扩大闹出来的(这都与他们的职业利益有关)。也碰巧有这么一批无知盲民,以为自己的未来与这些岛屿的归属有关,跟着起哄。世界就是这样被他们搞乱的。他们一天不转业,盲民不从几千年的迷信灌输中觉醒,乱局永远也不会停止。 转发 1评论 0 原微博