An increasingly literate public was becoming skeptical of ancient medical dogma; chemical remedies were challenging traditional Galenicals.四個世紀之後,中國還有很多人毫不懷疑地迷信古代中醫,一開口就是幾千年的經驗不容置疑,民族素質差得太遠。展开全文
miraculous cures of the post hoc ergo propter hoc variety. This well-known logical fallacy, in which sequence is confused with cause, has all too often secured the reputation of useless remedies and healers.后此谬误展开全文
when patients felt that the physician was ineffec-tive, magicians and priests could always offer hope and even the illusion of cure during the intervals between attacks.展开全文
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《麦田里的守望者》英文版读后:The Catcher in the Rye,Jerome David Salinger著,五爷透析的第44本长篇英文小说。全书74230单词,单词难度测量:首万词不重复单词1423个(非常容易级)。五爷... 🔗 网页链接 (使用新浪长微博工具发布展开全文