万能的微博求歌名啊~~~~~Try to stop the clock from turning,Every day we keep on learning,There's better way for rose to live,we are young and open heart it,we can stop the changes to start it,make the world a better place to live.A better place for you and me. 展开全文原微博 逍遥望晴川
今天要考高数,两个不知死活的人。。一页高数没翻一题没做看终极一班2到现在。。。我不要挂科!!!@刀乐乐乐乐 原微博 逍遥望晴川
收到了收到了哈哈哈〜!!!人生前三张明信片!!好激动!!@Hoehoe- @吃纸怪 原微博