130526 #M4M# 北京送机预览 #于斌##Bin# 伦伦说斌斌昨晚没睡。。。 @组合M4M 禁二改、禁商用、禁截掉或涂抹LOGO!转载请注明出处!*도용, 2차가공 절대 금지* *이동시 출처 밝혀주세요* {Don't remove the logo or packaged upload, and any commercial using is forbidden}
130502 #M4M# 3G_娱乐大人物 #罗宇胜##Vinson#独家 罗兔兔这是在做神马?!耍帅+放电?你够啦!@组合M4M 禁二改、禁商用、禁截掉或涂抹LOGO!转载请注明出处!*도용, 2차가공 절대 금지**이동시 출처 밝혀주세요* {Don't remove the logo or packaged upload, and any commercial using is forbidden}
130501 #M4M# 广州签唱握手会 高清 #罗宇胜##Vinson# 罗兔兔 你是壮不是胖 你不需要减肥啦 @组合M4M 禁二改、禁商用、禁截掉或涂抹LOGO!转载请注明出处!*도용, 2차가공 절대 금지* *이동시 출처 밝혀주세요* {Don't remove the logo or packaged upload, and any commercial using is forbidden}
破破烂走起!//@Shinyu小正太: 追加Purple Line x2,Forever Love x1, Eternal x1,Begin x1,=v=+TVXQ完了之後就是翻w-inds.的,到時候再發候選曲,另外還有4Minute的【Whatever】和【What's your name】要哪個好呢=v=+展开全文
【求建議】準備翻唱東方神起日文歌…候選【言葉はいらない】【Eternal】【Darkness Eyes】【Day Moon】【Love in the ice】【Begin】【Heart.Mind and Soul】【o-正反合】【Purple Line】【Forever Love】【Loving you】【Proud】嗯,目前想唱的有這些。但是我只會挑一首……_(:з」∠)_嘿嘿。拜託了~转发 1评论 0