You've been and will be so close to me. Close enough to make me feel sad when we have to part. The day I arrive in Beijing you will be heading to HK. Floating as life would be, we'll always find our home, coz home is where the heart is. And my heart goes with you. @RealOwlCity展开全文
George Orwell on writing: Johnson: Those six little rules | The Economist 🔗 网页链接 (UC浏览器)很久没用英语写作了,但一直铭记着《中式英语之鉴》中的写作规则。Let's remember the Plain English Movement.展开全文 原微博
被一句话难到了,求解释:"It was not easy to preserve inscrutability when you did not know what your face looked like." @Javen-Ridiculous@fancyenglish (几重否定搅晕了)展开全文 原微博