Martin Brundle on Twitter: "Wrecked my back chasing Kimi on a lawnmower. His Guru Mark Arnall gave me these tranquillisers and potion. Thank you" MB:在剪草机上追KIMI结果一不小心弄伤了背。马克蜀黍于是给开了镇定剂和药水。。。。#妈蛋你们到底是干了神马# & #舍不得这货退役#展开全文
根据推特luviceman,Mattiacci: Kimi and Nando are both aggressive and want to win, and they have strong beats in the heart of Ferrari. 我不觉得和KR有什么问题,他非常风趣。他非常酷"super cool“我很喜欢他。我经常和他展开愉快得交谈,气氛很友好,跟他工作感觉很好。#呵呵呵呵#展开全文 原微博
#法拉利专业坑爷几十年# 有围场流言说,KIMI在上海站的比赛中遭受引擎问题。由于在巴林站引擎没有PU,所以法拉利在本站更新了软件和系统,但是好像在7号车上木有用。 Software update before the # ChineseGP , update that doesn39;t seem to have worked on the car number #7.展开全文 原微博
TUMBLR上有人发帖,芬兰评论员说KR和VETTEL等会儿一起飞日本,他们到时候还会一起喝酒!! The Finnish commentators said that Kimi and Seb will have time to drink more champange later when they fly to Japan together.展开全文 原微博
KR 进站前TR Kimi, "I have a little bit difficulty on rear end, so maybe that will be issue" to make it to Plan A (it "will be difficult" to make it to the end)原计划一停。。。。展开全文 原微博
F1记者Jordan Irvine在推上说Kimi Raikkonen has a trapped nerve in his spine that is causing him 'severe' pain, especially after qualifying today. #脊椎神经问题 ,红花油不知道有木有效#展开全文 原微博
爷在接受The Guardian采访时表示,很多人都觉得09年他在法拉利的最后一年他已经丧失了开车的动力,但他从来没有那样过。09年在法拉利我过得还不错,车子根本就是扯淡。那是一辆很烂的车,一个很烂的赛季。根本没有办法去想争夺冠军的事。 #The Car Was Pretty A Crap#展开全文 原微博
#推特# 查理怀汀在今天练习赛时发的推特 他特意@ 路特斯车队官方推特,并且这么评价,KR现在正在追赶红牛。每次当他追赶红牛的时候,他表现得都不特别在意。这正是最美好的地方。@Lotus_F1Team Kimi is on pace to #CatchTheBull. When he does, he still won’t care. And that is beautiful.展开全文 原微博