[lxh赶火车]。。。。村村。。。//@Penguini: wholly shit.//@蛋pat蓉: 連夜自造雪橇,滑也滑回來啊!!要是你上不到飛機,HGZF!!!!//@饶文渊: kao, ming tian zhong ma qu airport. fork. Biggest Snow in Decades Possible A storm of possibly historic proportions is setting up off the Pacific Northwest coast. As much as a foot of snow is possible in Seattle. FTW. 转发 1评论 0 原微博 若智大鱼
见过最浪漫最感人的婚礼之一啊~~//@笨笨的慧慧猪: 哇~我地班又多一个人结婚了恭喜恭喜啊//@颇渴: 很浪漫的婚礼啊~(未在场~) // @波利娃娃 : 同恭喜,不过貌似非纯Classa吧……有一只不是……嘿嘿// @克里斯Chrislee :Classa又一对,恭喜恭喜! @cat84 展开全文原微博