费德勒:“He beat me fair and square tonight. No regrets from me.“” I'm upbeat about the tournament, but it's disappointing, going out in five. It's not the first time it's happened here.“”I go from here with a good feeling for the year. ”等待你的下一次以及今后的每一次。展开全文
Novak asks the press whether they can offer him some advice on how to get to sleep. "A glass of red wine" one suggests. 如此残酷,一边是兴奋地睡不着的胜利者,一边是付出同样多努力却很受伤的失败者。比赛给小瓦带来的伤害堪比09年温网决赛对于罗迪克的伤害——没有失败者纯粹是胡扯。展开全文