【精彩回顾】【美国TESOL国际英语教师认证班导师寄语】 Sabrina: Sabrina cares about her children. She is very focused on her son's stages of development. Sabrina is using her TESOL strategies to improve her sons education!展开全文
【有关数字的地道用法】one and only独一无二的,two-time出轨者,three handkerchief伤感剧,four-letter word脏话,the five wits智力,at sixes and sevens乱七八糟,behind the eighth ball处境危险,a cat with nine lives富有生命力的人,take ten休息十分钟。官方微信:1351235389 咨询热线:86069191查看全文>>展开全文
【美国TESOL四川中心分享系列】We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that death will tremble to take us.我们若能大笑世事无常,好好活一场,死神也会战栗一旁。-Charles Bukowski 美国诗人官方微信:1351235389 官方新浪微博:@美国TESOL四川中心 查看全文>>展开全文
【精彩回顾】【美国TESOL四川区第三期国际英语教师认证课程实时报道】When you perform your teaching, don’t instill learning. Make them try to find out their own answers. Sometimes struggling makes learning. 加入微信1351235389,和我们互动吧。查看全文>>展开全文
【精彩回顾】I think this course offers me a great opportunity to learn practical classroom management skills.It really brings my teaching to a high professional level!”一美国TESOL四川认证中心首期学员--“一校之长”Nikie.Chen和大家分享学习体验! http://t.cn/zQv4zv0查看全文>>展开全文
.体验过川大的人文,品味过法国la rive gauche de la Seine咖啡的芳香。从投资移民专家到AP讲师和雅思达人。游历过,创业过。加入7月【TESOL国际英语教师资格高级认证班】是Yasmine新尝试,心怀憧憬向澳洲进发!TESOL为您打开海外就业道路!课程详情请咨询028-86069191 http://t.cn/8k1gIAx查看全文>>展开全文