RT smithsonian: A vintage 7-11 owl logo from amhistorymuseum 🔗 网页链接 #Superb_Owl http://t.cn/8FittXk查看全文>> The Smithsonian is tweeting examples of Steven Colbert’s #Superb_Owl from their collection. See, museums can have a sense of humor!查看全文>> The museum is closed today, but you can still see "100 Years, 100 Objects" online and dial-in from home. 🔗 网页链接 RT AAMers: Tomorrow's Museum Day. This means FREE admission at museums across the US! Find participating institutions near you: http://t.c… 展开全文 前天我们接待了来自一群中国的朋友--交通银行上海部。谢谢你们的访问和礼物,Chris尤其要通过微博表达国际部徐迟先生的谢意。欢迎再次访问 Today in #FinancialHistory: In 2007, Citi opened the first drive-through ATM in China at the Upper East Side Central Plaza in Beijing. 这周是最后的机会来参观巴林银行在美国的展览。博物馆周二至周六开放,10am-4pm,学生免票,快来看看吧。巴林银行是英国历史最悠久的银行之一,1963创立,于1995年倒闭,具有233年历史。你们知道为何倒闭吗? This week is your last chance to see our Barings in America exhibit! The museum is open Tue-Sat, 10am-4pm. More info: 🔗 网页链接 美国金融博物馆的“黄金大富翁套牌”。这套牌是全实心的18K金制作,而每一张牌和色子都是纯黄金制作。每张牌上和色子上都还镶嵌了钻石,闪闪发光;游戏的牌面上的每一条线路都镶嵌了宝石。这是由珠宝大师Sidney先生为他妻子做的礼物。玩一盘这样的黄金大富翁是什么感觉呢?! 好想玩玩啊 今天独立日/国庆节快乐!想了解下美国历史上的今天吗?图片是在第二次世界大战期间,美国海军于1945年的这个爱国日推发的战争债券。🔗 网页链接 感谢 @中国金融博物馆 送我们的礼物--老帐箱,现在正在大厅展出。这是一个 手工仿制的帐盒,再现了清代中国陕西私人银行(1800-1911)的算账工具。这个帐箱共有三层,一共有二十件器具,一应俱全:剪刀、纸墨笔砚、信封、算盘、刀子、账本等等。 Happy first day of summer! Taking the train to the beach? Be sure to check the schedule 欢乐热闹的夏天来临了!想要乘坐火车去海滩游玩吗?夏日出行记得查看时刻表啊。这个是1882年长岛铁路的时刻表。来看看一百二十多年前的火车时刻表是什么样的 展开全文 前天6月19号,来自十二个国家金融博物馆的馆长和首脑们在 @美国金融博物馆 相聚一堂,首次讨论了金融博物馆国际联合会(International Federation of Finance Museums)等相关议题. Andy Warhol's "Medical Inflation" chart art is also coming up for sale at christiesInc soon: 🔗 网页链接 In case you missed it, our gala was featured in the Sunday Style section of the nytimes! 🔗 网页链接 RT NYGovCuomo: Many coastal communities pose special problems b/c they're man-made | Compare 1609 Lower Manhattan & #Sandy storm Su ... Today in 1803 France transferred Orleans to US, 8 months after Louisiana Purchase. Learn about the deal at MoAF! Today is the anniversary of the 1835 Great Fire, which destroyed NYSEEuronext 's first location, 40 Wall, along w/ much of Lower Manhattan.