"We don't tolerate abusive letters in print, why should we tolerate it online," "It's not about stifling debate or a question of free speech, it's about the Telegraph. We don't want people spewing bile on line."说得真好,下回我也学着来回复那些喜好verbal abuse的人展开全文 原微博
受@龙荻D 启发。把之前不待见的Anne-Marie Slaughter的书评找出来看。听闻Sandberg当年长篇电邮怀柔Slaughter,如今看来果真有效,我没认出来是一人写的。我一直奉行shut up and work harder策略,如今看Sandberg白雪公主状跳出来把皇帝的新衣戳破也不是坏事,只是阿姐的writing真的是太。。。那啥了吧展开全文 原微博
Royal Opera House has made a great day for the future of opera. Bold programming and risk-taking will propel the business to think out of the box! Bravo, Kasper! 🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
新出刊的Opera News专访Michael Mayer谈他的歌剧debut,说:"Piotr's got these blues eyes, and I am like,'Oh my God, Ol' Blue Eyes'"凭这你就决定把这歌剧放在赌城了么?下文还提及好朋友Bart Sher在做他的顾问.于此各种不祥的预感综合加在一起,我只能说明天不把这奇葩的专访扫瞄上来我就不是人!展开全文 原微博