Ha~the thuth is you're so wellknown in China that the “Mr no—one—knows website”can not bear .Go go go 马政委!But!Attention!You're locked up in our heart ! 展开全文Good afternoon China! In America the media lie so much that you have to laugh. A website called bleacher report said I was locked up in jail for fighting. They tell lies to the world to make you think the worst. Sad that the American media think negative 99 percent of the time. 展开全文转发 508评论 312 原微博 班长室长大队长唯吾得馨
我居然能不花16万吃到切糕,大姑你又丹青照汗青了。@___小鹰 @懒惰的鱼yu @肖然Mo @bobo薇 @小豆冬狮郎 (不过好像在北方大家都买切糕……) 原微博 班长室长大队长唯吾得馨
如果你认识一个人多年,早年她活泼、讨喜、单纯、直率、有礼。现在她阴郁、奸诈、阳奉阴违、讽刺挖苦、贪财刻薄。你会怎么和她相处呢?@___小鹰 @肖然Mo @liorocks @吟子子 @jin幕 @懒惰的鱼yu 原微博