#为了我们的未来, GSKer行动起来!#新鲜高清照片来啦~美丽贵州! 可爱毕节! GSK北大ABP1校友会联合北京大学光华管理学院共同举办了“北大光华ABP1校友贵州毕节公益行”的健康卫生教育支援之旅!我们满载着沉甸甸的爱,为老地小学的孩子们送去一片温暖和关爱! #So proud to be a GSKer\( ^▽^ )/# 展开全文原微博 熙骞
Corporate America's increased use of contract and contingent labor can make it hard for workers on the lower rungs of the employment ladder to earn a decent living. But in the upper echelons, any stigma on temporary jobs-and on the people who choose them-is almost laughably dated 展开全文原微博