主啊,以后让我生个女儿吧,看见她们软萌的小样儿我就受不鸟了,今天亲了一个大眼小妹妹的小脸蛋儿,艾玛,那小皮肤嫩的,比接吻的感觉好一万倍! 原微博 灿佳人
The most amazing thing happened today - I ran into my previous flatmate Kat, was so random, she looks so pretty now, I reconed her first while she was walking with headphone,she looked at me and hesitated for 2sec, and when she recognized me, her mouth literally became an 'O39; lol 展开全文原微博 灿佳人
哈哈哈哈韩寒那个我怎么没看懂。。//@ChezHOM_17: [哈哈] //@太贫公主叶子: 你们这样玩郭敬明是不对的! 原微博