#UB新闻# 6位UB的教师获得澳大利亚学生学习突出贡献奖~他们是:Dr Elisa Backer, Associate Professor Lorraine Bennett, Dr Jenene Burke, Dr Fred Cahir, Dr Sharon McDonough, Mr Ron Pickfor~该奖由联邦政府每年颁发一次,以表彰在学生学习质量方面有突出贡献的人士,奖金为每人10000澳元~ 展开全文
Dr Jiang: The requirment for English is the same at UB. Language is a learning process mainly through doing. If people come to ballarat for 12 months or 3 years, prepare to talk to the local people and live with local people, their English should improve significantly.展开全文
#UB_微访谈# 原定于今天下午2点至4点的微访谈因故取消,但同学们的提问依然踊跃。如果各位同学对 "Social Welfare and Arts” 这一话题感兴趣,仍想提问的话,依然可以留言,为期一周。随后,小编会将所有问题交给Dr. Jeremy Smith,请他予以解答。非常感谢大家的支持!展开全文 原微博
#UB_2013微访谈# UB微访谈7月,想和大家深入谈谈Social Welfare and Arts. 也许你对这个专业的学习内容、计划、目标、职业前景都没有一个清晰的概念。那么由小编先为你种下一颗种——巴拉瑞特大学在此学院介绍的首页这样写道:Become the professional who inspires others. 7月,请继续关注UB微访谈展开全文
回复@Tessa_UB: Dr. W: (continued) Managers who are not technical often set bad policy because they don't understand the limits of technologies like cryptography or filtering. #UB_2013微访谈# //@Tessa_UB: 请解释一下为什么网络安全方面的相关政策和管理比安全技术更重要?展开全文