Wow! All I can say is WOW. What a great episode! Looking forward to next week. //@漂泊的卫星: Breaking Bad is BACK! 这个美剧只剩八集了!One of my favorite shows of all time. Here are my other recommendations: 1. The Sopranos; 2. Mad Men; 3. Boardwalk Empire; 4. Lost.展开全文
Some say life is but a series of repetitive tasks and nuisances, that day after day we are really just doing the same things. But when the sun rises every morning, we gladly get up and relive it. That is because we take great pleasure in the tiny differences each day promises.展开全文
回复@低调的小濱_不低调: I miss the good old days when taking a photograph was a big deal. It was almost a ritual. Nowadays, anybody with a camera phone can call himself/herself a photographer. 以前拍照片是件大事儿,像个仪式一样。 //@漂泊的卫星: Happy Children's Day. 展开全文
A couple hundred people showed up at my father's colleague's funeral(葬礼). They all agreed to contribute to a college fund(基金)for the daughter of the deceased. The man's skull was crushed in the fall, but the morticians(殡仪师)did a good job putting him back together.~展开全文
My father's colleague has just commited suicide. I've met him a few times. He was a good man. He liked to smoke. He liked greasy food. He always tried hard to muster up a smile, even though I could tell he didn't have anything to be happy about. R.I.P. 高楼变成了自杀工具。转发 1评论 0
今早在电梯里碰到同样送女儿去上学的邻居,她说:“你的孩子在国际学校读书真幸运!没有做作业!”而事实是她们每天都有家庭作业而且要花不少时间,但是作业的类型很不一样。比如孩子可以在很多任务中选择一个,且必须用教科书以外的材料。‘没有作业’是一个西方教育的神话!'No homework' is a myth
Have you all been practicing L.S.R.W.(听说读写)every day? Here is a little test for you: "All of you have not been practicing L.S.R.W. every day." 引号里的这句话是什么意思?展开全文 原微博
Stop being passive(被动)and start being proactive(主动). Instead of waiting for other people to feed(喂)you English, you should practice L.S.R.W.(听说读写)on your own accord(自愿地). What did you do to improve your English today? 🔗 网页链接展开全文
Hello guys, it's Friday. I'm still working on the computer but you all deserve a break. Here is a short three minute clip I got from the movie 【Pineapple Express】. I think you might like it. Laugh away. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
回复@Tommy李晨旭: It's dependent on context. The original disagreement was whether "drawer" should be defined as "someone who draws pictures" in a book Zhou wrote. That he'd listed it as the ONLY definition of the word is what bothered all the legit English educators on Weibo.展开全文
【Digging through my cyber closet】I was able to connect to Facebook and Xanga account briefly last night after acquring a free trial VPN connection from Shayu(鲨鱼, check it out if you are inte... --发布到微刊《Vulgar English》🔗 网页链接展开全文