【别误会这些英语】1. You can’t be too careful in your work.你工作越仔细越好。2. It has been 4 years since I smoked.我已经戒烟四年。3. All his friends did not turn up.他的朋友没全到。4. It can’t be less interesting.太没劲了。展开全文
#美句#Falling in love is like jumping off a very tall building. Your brain tells u it's not a good idea, while your heart tells u- you can fly. 陷入热恋就好比从很高的屋顶往下跳,脑袋清醒的告诉你:你疯了;可心里却说:没事,我会飞的。@派特森英语唐山万达学习中心展开全文