Too many party members should be eliminate like trash in Communist Party.They only pay membership and most of them are incompetent in society.They are not idealist and desire for food and sex.They enroll the Party for utilitarianism.Shame for them.展开全文
And God said,Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures,and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves,with which the waters swarm,according to their kind,and every-展开全文 原微博
China: New leadership, same old censorship The best mainland journalists can hope for in terms of press freedom after NPC and CPPCC is that Beijing’s censorship returns to its pre-lianghui level.展开全文 原微博
China Development Bank governor Chen Yuan, the "princeling" son of the late party veteran Chen Yun, was also made a vice-chairman despite 27 opposition votes, considered high among those whose parents were senior party officials.展开全文 原微博
United Front head Ling Jihua, a Hu protégé, made it to vice-chairman with 90 of the 2,191 delegates voting against him - the highest number of opposition votes recorded yesterday. The second highest was 27. Ling showed no emotion after the result was announced.展开全文 原微博
US policy must challenge China further. On the one hand, Washington must persuade China that North Korea’s growing nuclear weapons capability poses a global risk, especially in the proliferation of atomic material to other states, such as Iran.展开全文 原微博
Liu Jingfeng is not a delegate to the National People’s Congress – China’s rubber stamp parliament – but the 60-year-old retired mechanic has travelled to Beijing to make a point to those who are attending the biggest annual political gathering in the country.展开全文 原微博