饱含幸福的泪水我要换回那张头像 //@骡拉妮: 幸福就好啊……脑残粉饱含泪水//@水包酱: 啊啊啊啊啊啊喜大普奔!!//@哎呀可别介: ‘Due to speculation, I can confirm that Ben and Mark entered into a civil partnership in August 2012. They were proud to do so and are very happy. 展开全文Last night Whishaw’s spokesman confirmed the civil partnership, saying: ‘Ben has never hidden his sexuality, but like many actors he prefers not to discuss his family or life outside of his work.我了个大擦.......虽然一直知道但是突然就......!!!好棒!🔗 网页链接 转发 1评论 0 原微博 永不消逝的风景
不知该说什么好了,It's happening!!! #后街男孩##Backstreet Boys##北京演唱会# 我在这里:万事达中心(原五棵松体育馆) 原微博 永不消逝的风景
Chrome有Instagram的插件了!@兼性厌氧君 原微博 永不消逝的风景
刚看完Bright Star... #Cloud Atlas# #云图# #Ben Whishaw# #James D'Arcy# #Big Cat# @兼性厌氧君 @茧小空各种宅 @萝拉妮 #我发的这一句到底和图有什么关联啊,扶额# #不过tag打上应该也够了= =# #图很大,因为不想缩图了,手机慎点开# 展开全文原微博