在介个特别的日子里面,看来原来射手座的男人素很浪漫的。@阿伯_阿努巴鸵 谢谢 原微博 梨花Melody
//@蔡依林: // @黑龍_王 :// :God bless all of the people...請好朋友們幫忙轉起來..每轉一次就是一次祝福.一起為所有人類禱告.不管在地球的哪一個角落. @蔡依林 @艾瑪士_Amos @吳建恆KEN @DCW-SHU @東城衛_冥 @東城衞_鐙 @東城衛_戒 @戚薇 @蔡頤榛-5熊寶貝兒 @曾沛慈_OHY 展开全文Lord,Please comfort those suffer from lost of their beloved,Save those injured in rubble,Bring peace to those in shock,. Empower those on the mission of rescue,Guide those are making decisions. Strengthen those are waiting,Enlighten those are hoping. In Jesus,Amen 转发 1评论 0 原微博