自从你圈我之后,已经有无数人和我说:“哎,你和景甜好像啊!”……@fableberry 我有一天看到她一张剧照我也惊呆了…… 写着写着就写出了个新词:Appearacist: those who look down on bad-looking people.@fableberry 就是外貌学院派吧。 Jeez, I hate selfies.. A sign of increasing number of moxons over the world led by shit Asian girls maybe? @fableberry You can never prove that you don't wank.... Can you? Especially for girls. @fableberry Hangovers...on Monday morning...isn't too good-.- 1.@fableberry meh-好开心呀〜2.Love Is A Losing Game 3.xxxxx xxxx please reply ASAP....4.Never look back. 我在:新丰路 #英国新闻# 英国Times报副刊头版「中国中产阶级的生活」。她,爱GUCCI包,爱买有机食品,厨房里用宜家,从香港带奶粉,用手机关注北京空气质量,喜欢看BBC福尔摩斯系列片;他,开现代,希望有辆宝马,抽红塔山香烟,有一部佳能60D和iPad2,想在国外置业,着迷于研究英国私立学校。via@小葫芦猫 展开全文 Classical in the pub.@Duke-of-North How did he do it! His cello had no supporter!!! Members from Orchestra of Age of Enlightenment playing in the pub. @barroca栗子哥哥 我在:🔗 网页链接 展开全文