#FINA6282V89# Naomi Klein: Addicted to risk, Dec 2010, 🔗 网页链接 Whoever you are. Whatever your profession. Wherever you came from or what your past was. You are important and your PRESENT contributions and effo展开全文
#FINA6282V65# Shlomo Benartzi: Saving for tomorrow, tomorrow, Nov 2011, Friday. The ideology embedded in American people seems to be consuming more, rather than saving more. It is also one of the reason that financial crisis in 2008 happened in US and till now🔗 网页链接展开全文
#FINA6282V66# Jeff Bezos: What matters more than your talents, Jul 2010.Cleverness is a gift, but kindness is a choice. We are responsible of what we become in our life regardless what we received at our birth. The choices the make and how hard we work determi🔗 网页链接展开全文
FINA6282V62# Yang Lan: The generation that's remaking China. Yang Lan's talk is a thorough flow of the hot topics in China, including microblog, Guo Meimei, food safety, naked marriage, and tribe of ants. Young people in China care more about social justice an🔗 网页链接
#FINA6282V33# 400 years ago, the law itself has been put on the gallows. In England, anyone who disagreed with the king’s decision would be tortured by extremely brutal punishment. Charles I, king of England, wages a civil was that cost the lives of one in te🔗 网页链接展开全文
#FINA6282V25-1# After hearing the story that Matt Weinstein had lost his entire life savings in the Bernie Madoff scandal, I am totally surprised by his optimistic attitude. We don't need to have been invested with Bernie Madoff to be feeling the pain of the f🔗 网页链接展开全文
#FINA6282V12# The Ascent of Money describes the history of money creation in human life, from barter, gold, silver, coin to token money. Until very late, USD could be exchanged for a certain amount of gold. Money –credit– is belief. But money is increasingly🔗 网页链接展开全文
#FINA6282V5#Today, I was sparked by Ken Robinson's speech: Schools Kill Creativity. I cannot agree more with his opinion that if we are not prepared to be wrong, we will never learn originality. The aim of education is not to teach us taking things for granted展开全文
You make your own future//@chakwong: 奥巴马在印尼读书时妈妈帮他补美国的教程。因为她要工作,只能在早上四点半教他。“没有借口不尝试。没有人写下了你自己的命运。永不放弃!There is no excuse for not trying. No one has written your destiny for you. Refuse to give up!" 很动人的演说。展开全文