If you are not present, then it is the past which projects forward and poses as the future. It prevents the true future from unfolding. 如果你不临在,那么这是过去 在向前投射并假冒未来。 它会阻止真实未来的展开。查看全文>>展开全文
I am an earthquake. I am here to disturb your beliefs. I am here to shake you up and cause a crack to appear in the unshakeable world of your illusions.查看全文>>展开全文
【Hurt】If you really allow yourself to feel the hurt or the sadness, the very worst that can happen is that you will cry. Let the tears flow. Welcome them. It won't be long before the tears turn to laughter, and the pain reveals the joy hidden within it.查看全文>>展开全文
The simple truth is that there is no life outside of this moment. The life which you believe in is nothing but an illusion which you have constructed in your mind using the power of thought, memory and imagination. It is not real. Nothing outside of this moment is real.展开全文
“As the ego relaxes, it gives up the role of tyrant, protector and controller and takes on the role of loving and devoted servant within the world of time.” 随着ego的放松,它会放弃在时间世界里所扮演的暴君,保护者,和掌控者的角色,继而扮演充满爱心与忠诚的仆人的角色。展开全文
"It is only when you own, accept and confess who you have become that you will discover the truth of who you really are." 只有当你拥有,接纳和坦白已经变化了的自己时,你才能够发现自己究竟是谁的真相。展开全文
“It is hard enough to free yourself from your own story. Don’t get caught in someone else’s story.”Leonard Jacobson 摆脱自己的故事已足够难。请不要让自己困在他人的故事里面!-宗玲译展开全文
You will have to empty out those reservoirs of repressed emotions. You will have to release yourself from entanglement in others. You will have to transcend judgment. You will have to open up into the truth of life, the truth of love, and the truth of power. (2/2)展开全文
随着你超越二元对立的善与恶和对与错时,你就觉醒进入了合一。这是把真正的改变和永久的和平带给我们这个世界的唯一方法。(2/2)//@李尔纳LeonardJacobson: As you transcend the dualities of good and evil, and right and wrong, you awaken into Oneness. It is the only way to ...(2/2)展开全文
Do not be afraid to live at a more superficial level of Presence in order to function in the world of time. That which is real cannot be lost. It is all a question of balance. As long as the awakened state of Presence is the foundation of your life, you will not go astray.展开全文
Entering into the mind is a journey into illusion. It is wise to stay connected with home base. Otherwise you might get lost. You might not be able to find your way home.展开全文
One who is awake or enlightened lives predominantly in the present moment. The present moment is always recognized as the truth of life, even when entering into the mind and functioning within the world of time. (1/2)展开全文
The present moment is the doorway home. The present moment is your home. The present moment reveals Oneness. It reveals the living Presence of God in all things present. It reveals Heaven on Earth.展开全文
You are here to remember who we are. You are here to awaken out of the illusion of separation. You are here to know and experience yourself in Oneness with God. You are here to find your way home.展开全文
True awakening can never occur in the future. It can only occur in the moment of now. Whenever you are fully present, you are awake. You are enlightened. You are restored to Oneness. It cannot occur in the future. It can only occur now.展开全文
We must learn how to feel and express our feelings in a conscious and responsible way, which does not result in harming others. It should be taught in our schools. Parents should be educated so that they will not unconsciously pass on their pain to their children.展开全文
As each of us awakens, it impacts human consciousness at a collective level. It is like dropping a tiny pebble of light into a dark pool of unconsciousness. Ripples of light!展开全文
【the ego Ⅱ】The ego began in your life as your protector, but in order to succeed, it had to be in control of every aspect of your life. The ego can only be in control of what it knows and everything it knows is based on past remembering or future imagining. (1/2)展开全文 原微博
All we really want is for others to be present with us. We pursue love, acceptance, and approval as a substitute for Presence. This pursuit began in childhood when we realized that no one was truly present. Accept no substitutes. Just ask others to be present with you.展开全文 原微博
There are four significant reasons why you are constantly pulled out of Presence, back into the world of the mind. The first is the resistance of the ego. The second is denial of w... 🔗 网页链接 (使用新浪长微博工具发布 http://t.cn/zOXAaic)展开全文