r u trying to translate the sentences and summarising the passages to ur fans,as well as practising ur's english?if that u did it//@武锐同学: As a manager one must be willing to do something first, and has the guts and the ability to start doing it, then is able to finish up it.. 展开全文【管理者干事的四个层次:想干事、能干事、干成事、不出事】1)想干事,是一种状态,一种激情:凡事想干了才有希望;不想则一事无成;2)能干事,是一种能力,一种胆识;3)干成事,是一种追求,一种效益;干成事,是符合企业发展的事,是员工满意的事;4)不出事,是一条底线,一种坚守。转 转发 1评论 0 原微博