勿长期支持一个 party//@Emily-Chin: 简直是无耻//@李晓光: 哈哈 //@九笑堂主: 勿总看一份日报 原微博 月夜之風靈
@QQINHAO You really should work tonight. You can see two senior professional concierge 'dancing' in ISI Bar. You will know what is the mean of Service, what is the mean of Luxury, what is the mean of 'thinking and doing before the guest. I'm in ISI Bar 🔗 网页链接 展开全文原微博 月夜之風靈
鐵角酒吧【ISI Bar】的貓貓哦,求摸摸 我在这里:🔗 网页链接 原微博 月夜之風靈
天殺的黃燈制度,搞到全城慢駛,江南大道到桂花崗用時個半鐘,搞到我考試遲到差啲冇得考,真係頂死你啊。仲要有垃圾教個仔喺公車垃圾桶屙尿,真係唔好怪我哋歧視你班嬲B 原微博