Interested to make some time for istanbul this sep? @Meatshop @JOJOJO520 原微博 晞來至恩
同事一起買今晚的大樂透,80million jackpot, 5 million each. 若中獎 每人投資2百萬成立golden dragon對沖基金,周五發發白日夢好幸福 原微博 晞來至恩
Day ONE at Edingburgh! So many surprises, im sure there will be plenty to come! It is the FIRST time that my mathematical brain actually functions artistically! Thanks the professional tour guide @JOJOJO520 我在:🔗 网页链接 展开全文原微博 晞來至恩
辭職到數計時中 goodbye GB hello ROC 原微博