#英文学习# The Genoa Tip-Tip 在这里是告密的意思。 在S1中,New York Post 报道了Will在新年夜遭酒泼的八卦,题目为Will McAvoy gropes in the New Year(Grope除了摸索,探索,在这里有非礼占便宜的意思)。Charlie为此取笑Will,Will说I'd also like to know who at my party was tipping Page Six.展开全文 原微博
I've never seen you leave a rebuttal that fat on the table. ----Metaphor. It reminds me of Season 1's similar expression: In S1 E4, Mac says "I know this looks like a big, juicy rib-eye to you, but show some restraint now and let the facts speak for themselves."展开全文 原微博
#E1# Depose- No one at this hour knows the whereabouts of the now deposed strongman. Depose means 罢免. E.g. The last Emperor of Qing Dynasty was deposed. Whereabout means 下落行踪. It sometimes can be used like 'where' as a adverb. E.g. Whereabout did they go?展开全文 原微博