「积累」读到这么一段介绍巴菲特成功的话:Like a Horatio Alger hero, Warren Buffett accumulated his huge fortune by relying on honesty, thrity, and a can do attitude. Add self-deprecating humor, and you have the world's second richest man. 成功者的秘诀显露无疑。展开全文
「运词」名词性抽象词能使文字感觉更上一层楼。曾和大家分享过involvement一词,有牵连,参于等含义。今天又见一例:优等生学术成功的背后总会有父母的功劳,媒体称这些父母为A+ Parent。The most consistent indicators of student achievement are the home environment and parental involvement.展开全文 原微博
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