David Carreira 《Como na Primeira Vez》 “前奏秒杀 深情葡语 地中海暖阳王子.Há memórias de ti pelo chão A lembrar-me o que perdi Vou juntando os pedaços do meu coraçao Tudo o que restou de mim Mas ate te esquecer, eu vou pensar em ti 🔗 网页链接 展开全文
Kelly Mack 《One Last Time》福音女歌手,嗓音中的清澈纯净仿佛可以洗涤心灵尘埃的清泉般透明见底。集创作歌唱于一身的才女,有着清澈透明的嗓音,总是能把人绕进去而自拔不起。Take Me With You 是这个女生的第一次发的专辑,几乎首首都好听,很值得推荐大家去听一下 🔗 网页链接展开全文
胡锦涛发表2013年新年贺词--中文加英文翻译版Chinese president delivers New Year address 中翻英口译练习绝佳材料,内容中很多中国特色词汇及表达方式都在新东方所出的《中高级口译口试词汇必备》中。期待2013年新年新气象,生活蒸蒸日上,社会和谐,平平安安!🔗 网页链接展开全文
Embrace 2013。I just look forward to the changes that are gonna take place in the new year.Thank you Lord for giving me what I have,helping me understand what really matters in my life and guiding me to be a person who I really want to be!I'm truly grateful for everything I have.展开全文
最火美国口语sell someone on 以...说服某人hang in there忍耐一下hands-off无为而治gag me with a spoon我快吐了get a move on赶快cook up想出roll with the punches逆来顺受right off the bat立刻get one’s feet wet参与get after盯着pan out成功screw someone over欺负某人blockhead笨蛋展开全文