"Hi, Amila. I just was watching the news and I heard about that little girl who was alone in an apartment for nine days without food. Honey, please be sure you have what to eat in the fridge cuz last time you came to visit you looked like Olive Oyl..."展开全文
Nay, it is also full of German, so I left it for my France. Instead, I went downstairs to Iceland and got a Luxemburg with Swiss cheese, a bottle of Scotch and a piece of Danish. Am UK now展开全文
#趣味分享# Forum 上聊饮食与长寿,摘要:cheating death by eating less, 低蛋白低糖,早餐吃好,睡前三小时停食, 定期辟谷。。🔗 网页链接 16种抗衰老食材:芦荟牛油果蓬蒿蓝莓咖啡黑巧克力蒜绿茶羽衣甘蓝橄榄油石榴红薯麝香草核桃野三文鱼酸奶🔗 网页链接转发 1评论 0