最近迷上吃蛋白棒鸟,这是有钱淫吃的,12根海淘要130元,淘宝近300元。What makes a great protein bar? 低卡路里,高蛋白质(最好是乳清蛋白质),0 saturated fat,低 total fat,高纤维,低糖分,多种维生素,所以找到一款优质蛋白棒并不容易,昨天入手Quest,买了一个奇怪的白巧克力红莓味。展开全文
#蛋白粉#是干嘛的?Technically speaking, protein powder does NOthing other than provide you with a clean and quick source of protein. It doe NOT cause fat loss or muscle growth or anything similar. Ideal Daily Protein Intake: 0.8-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.
#蛋白粉#是干嘛的?Technically speaking, protein powder does NOthing other than provide you with a clean and quick source of protein. It doe NOT cause fat loss or muscle growth or anything similar. Ideal Daily Protein Intake: 0.8-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.展开全文
上周和俩黑石的人吃饭,外资私募的人都有一个通病,学历好,但人情世故一窍不通,事情谈得疙疙瘩瘩,来的是一个VP和一个D,不过最滑稽的是,那个VP到最后说了一句,回头再联系,我想了想回道,You are not gonna call and we will never meet again. It’s OK. It really is. 然后我就走了#装逼遭雷劈#展开全文 原微博
The New York Times is no longer referring to him as a "whistle-blower," a sign indicative of the Obama administration's lack of political maneuvering against China, Russia or other non ally countries. His second term will be a disaster for his successor.展开全文
Men almost get everything from a marriage, sex, housework and kids. But women? mostly get nothing, besides financial support and sex. Her wombs are used and her leisure time mostly spent at home.展开全文
刚读health psychology的课本时,里面提到普通情况下,"men's health benefits substantially from marriage, whereas women's health benefits ONLY slightly from marriage." 这点还有些让我吃惊展开全文 转发 1评论 0
Fear is often a more salient and safer response than hatred - 这是我以前看《君主论》记得最牢的的一句话,原话不是这么写的,但是就是这么个意思。从这个理性执政角度来说,Internet censorship 根本不如 massive crackdown.展开全文 原微博