罗伯特在最后一封信里说“只是一时迷恋上了伊娃·克罗姆林克,但是我们两个都知道我短暂、幸福的人生中唯一的爱是谁。”而电影里则是"Had my infatuations, but we both know in our hearts, who is the sole love of my short bright life."我觉得这个both就很明白地点出了到底是谁。展开全文 原微博
Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention are not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound to obey the laws in which we have no voice of representation.----Abigail Adams展开全文 原微博
头昏脑涨地看起Robin Lane Fox的the search for Alexander,生词难句一律囫囵吞枣。看到说六世纪后,随着丝绸之路交易日盛,波斯版亚历山大传奇说,亚历山大伪装成商人,乔装打扮混进中国宫廷,和中国帝王玩起了猜谜游戏。回去后还模仿长城建了堵墙抵御草原部落入侵。笑死了哈哈哈展开全文 原微博