"We get killed in the midterm. We could kiss 2016 goodbye, and you will face a republican president and a republican Congress." Sure, why not. Obama has no political capital; everyone wants to distant himself from him. GOP lead the way.展开全文
「一定不会差」表明了是一种强烈概率的表述,这与随机–运气的本质有着本质上的抵触。我建议这句话的作者能够提升智力水平,然后看一看GRE的双空题的某一部分,并牢记:such a coincidence could be _____ only by the transfer of DNA between the two systems. 答案是 explained.展开全文
Some people fear freedom; they see it as a threat. They mobilize everything to suffocate the infancy of rebellion, a lone over due enterprise suppressed by iron-handed powers and undermined by quislings and even worse minions who turned out to be unscrupulous accomplices.展开全文 原微博
PLAGIARISM. It is from plaga, net. At first, it is a tool with which people trap and kidnap the prey; later on, in a civilized society, it means to deliberately, scrupulously and impudently steal acknowledged and original ideas. Plagiarism incurs unconditional expelling.展开全文 原微博
说来说去再推荐几本词汇书。1Merriam-Webster vocabulary builder(词根词源综合) 2英语词缀与英语派生词 李平武 (构词法理论) 3 Word Power Made Easy, Norman Lewis (根缀拓词) 4Verbal Advantage, Elster (词汇运用) 5Word smart, Princeton Review, (词汇运用)。懒人一定学不好英语。展开全文 原微博
既然碎了,就注意这的用法。既是动词,又是大词。不过G常规考点考形容词。【GRE考点吐血提醒】1adj. 专业的,有造诣的: extremely skilled and accomplished;2无纰漏的,完美的: complete in every detail; perfect;3最高档次的,最大规模的 of the greatest or highest degree or quantity 展开全文 原微博
Nun liebe Kinder gebt fein Acht/ ich bin die Stimme aus dem Kissen/ ich hab euch etwas mitgebracht/ ein heller Schein am Firmament/ Mein Herz Brennt !展开全文
#撸个词吧# Martinet: 1 : a strict disciplinarian 2 : a person who stresses a rigid adherence to the details of forms and methods. 法国路易十四时期的军官,时任步兵总监的Jean Martinet军纪严格,训练严酷。他把法国步兵训练成欧洲第一,后人以他的姓氏比喻「严格的教官」「纪律严格的」。展开全文 原微博
#撸个词吧#【GRE Vocabulary】-gress-, -grad-, to walk, go. Aggressive(ad-, towards), digress(di- dis-, away, to go astray), regress(re-, back, to walk back), transgress(trans-, cross, to walk across somewhere usually forbidden, which is violation), retrograde(retro-. back). 展开全文
【拓展】acme原义「顶点」。古时医生将疾病分为四个阶段,arche初期、anabasis加重、acme危险、paracme后期。但是acme多喻义用法。"Andy Roddick, the fastest service speed record holder, is the champion of 03 US Open Grand Slam, which is his acme in his whole career." 展开全文
@Willetzsche 我想了想, 算是内应"Shoism", 共同实现个目标 #TheNewRace# : strong body, versatile knowledge, logic, keen sense of morality, open-mindedness, freedom, individuality, independence, critical thinking, and the ambition to pursue what is supreme in every aspect. 展开全文
What is the worth of preserving divisions of terpsichorean soldiers in the standing army? The only thing I can persuade myself is that they are Sirens Squads who cause enemy's loss by singing songs of communist curse, just like Kim Jong-Il could crash a plane with a rock. 展开全文 原微博
Yet, it was still a news dynamite. Players who adept in playing fast tennis---using flat ground strokes, sonic serves, various traditional tactics like chip and charge and drive volley, have a better chance to beat Nadal, the perfect defender on the clay court. 展开全文
Rafa Nadal post-match comments: "Two weeks ago I won the French Open, now I lose in the first round here. That's the positive and negative elements of sport. But no-one remembers losers, only winners."转发 1评论 0
#撸个词吧# Pyromania纵火癖: an irresistible impulse to set fire. -PYRO-, Greek pūr, fire. 例pyre, pyrotechnic; mania来自孳生能力超强的men-1, to think. from Greek maniā, madness. 猜想,pyro原形pūr, 辅音音变p-f, fūr, OE fȳr, ME fir, 现fire,y可否与元音互变?请教 @袁新民博士展开全文