But sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending. We don't learn how to read the signs. How to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don't. The ones who will stay from the ones who will leave. 展开全文原微博 小豹子四爷
@路小息 说翻译成"服务生"好笑!我觉得比翻译成"侍应生"要好一点吧!未必翻译成"诶,小妹儿" 原微博 小豹子四爷
回复@在路上的阳小妹: you're lucky girl 真是太幸运咯。好生羡慕你哦!想和你一起背上背包,带上单反去穷游拍照。。祝你这次旅途愉快。我们下次计划。看来我要积极参加活动才行。 //@在路上的阳小妹: 好意外,好惊喜,好欢型 @coco_染 @譚宇兒_Narcissus @小豹子四爷 @泡芙 展开全文原微博