亲戚的女儿立志嫁老外,交了个美国网友,又担心英语不好,问我咋办。我说简单:你想说“呵呵”的时候就打“interesting”,想说“哦”的时候就打“Really?” 一个礼拜后,这熊孩子巨开心地说那美国小子订了机票要来看她:U r the girl with great KINDNESS and CURIOSITY I'm looking for! 。。。转发 1评论 0
奥巴马宣布一亿美元用于脑图谱研究时说: “We can’t afford to miss these opportunities while the rest of the world races ahead.I don’t want the next job-creating discoveries to happen in China or India... I want them to happen right here, in the United States.”... 你真想多了展开全文
#每天学点动词#之 经济学人逼格篇: Tread。 本意是踩、踏,但在323的 Economist里这样用道:The regulation of the British press is an area where this newspaper usually treads lightly. 取“涉及”、 “涉足”之意。(逼孽深重的气息扑面而来。。气场弱者慎用)展开全文