It reminded me of the story written by Li Weiyi @李微漪与格林 , and I was deeply touched by the love and friendship between her and the wolf called Green. Actually, we should think of animals as our friends and treat them equally.展开全文
#七磅# 自责、愧疚与痛苦犹如条条火舌不断舔舐着锁链,一段不堪回首的往事无法被冰封于心底,唯有用悔恨的泪将肉体分离。一份重达七磅的救赎,一份无价的真情。When I become your heartbeat, you maybe only are capable to do ding-dang believing that I love you.愿每人用爱传递光明与温暖......展开全文