“We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet.”缺调侃起Sherlock-Loki-Doctor三人行。。哪里会有颧骨抛光趴体啦。。展开全文 原微博
兰兰17小时前在vice上更了篇《囚徒》的影评,充满了对毛毛的赞美之情。。不亚于高司令那次。。“Prisoners is awesome. I loved, loved, loved it.”“my man Jake Gyllenhaal”“fall in love with him”尤其倒数第二段,简直了!连用三次“ Love it”。。。快找他来演你的片!【🔗 网页链接展开全文
#The Comedy Central Roast Of James Franco#Sarah Silverman, Natasha Leggero, Aziz Ansari, Nick Kroll, Jeff Ross, Andy Samberg, Bill Hader, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hil。一大波闪瞎人的图。。展开全文
Charlie Hunnam 02年演的那版《Nicholas Nickleby》(那时候已经不是QAF的小受了。。不过跟《环太平洋》里的肌肉不能比) ,在我眼里就是个英雄多次救美的故事。。。美女当然不是安妮海瑟薇和萝玛拉。。是铃铛。。呜呜呜,最后BE了。。这片有各种熟脸。。TLF的下载:【http://t.cn/zQSMzhA】展开全文
唱了起来。。//@阿亏_so累cant爱: There's a grief that can't be spoken. There's a pain goes on and on. Empty wheelchair at empty chesstable, Now my cherik are dead and gone.展开全文
看完了未来昔日片场照,还有一口气还能唱歌,说明我还活着I dreamed a dream in time gone by/ When hope was high/ cherik worth shipping/ I dreamed that love would never die/ I dreamed that Erik would be forgiving...
搬运了下早上阿紫给我看的Dave新出的Funny or Die视频“Real Life H-O-R-S-E! with Dave Franco & DeAndre Jordan”。。🔗 网页链接 Dave胸肌上纹的那只喵Arturo曾出现在之前的这个视频【我会说这只喵本来是兰兰的,后来从LA搬到NYC去之后,就给弟弟养了么。。】🔗 网页链接展开全文
Harry哪比得上Emma的亚裔牛津高帅富男友。。小破团粉丝歇歇吧。。Ezra才不要Harrry呢。。//@过气谐星时泪亏: 洋阿姨一直拉娘有一手 //@狂帅酷霸囧雪诺: fuck shit twat...i was thinking they are asking ezra and harry to go on a date...orz//@毛栗死胖子: 放开女神!展开全文
#罪案剧一看到熟人就知道谁是凶手了#我又无聊了,主要是看剧的时候好穿越。。随机拼了下电脑里的存图。POI CM CSI 好老婆 SPN Elementary Bones你们这些专业跑龙套的,某些连环杀手你们再出现,我就记成隔壁剧的角色了啊。。我还没用上NCIS House GA Revenge TVD呢,已经凌乱了。。。不过挺方便写文的展开全文