市场化就算在美国也并不是绝对至高无上的。中国这边更多的是黑白的二维感官世界,思想上也不是3-D的,像Deng那样有远见的政治家很少//@海报藏家: Medicaid and Medicare are by far the most efficient health insurance system comparing to any private owned insurance plan. And they are the only展开全文
That almost 50 million people have no health coverage in one of the richest countries in the world is a scandal that needs to be addressed.(Lancet 2012; 380: 1727–28)---我们政府的廉耻感在哪里?我们也算是最富有的国家之一吧?展开全文 原微博
(3)an analysis of his bones that showed that his high-protein diet had been rich in meat and marine fish, characteristic of a privileged life in the 15th century(4) the radiocarbon dating of two rib bones that showed that they were those of somebody who died between 1455 and 1540展开全文 原微博
Presidential aid Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., accompanied by her husband, former President Bill Clinton, laughs as they are introduced at a Rally for Change at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, July 2, 2007.展开全文
1-昨天的外科讲座,是一位外校的教授带来的Edward Churchill, The Cocoanut Grove, and Burn Treatment.介绍了前MGH外科大主任Churchill的生平,还有那场发生于1942年波士顿的Cocoanut Grove俱乐部的大火。后者导致近500人死亡。展开全文 原微博
were unable to stand upright or lie down, being forced to kneel or sit immobilized for long periods, being hung by the wrists or forced to stand up and sit down to the point of collapse, and forcing mothers to watch the infanticide of their newborn infants.展开全文