太强大了!红到BBC去了!且行且珍惜的翻译:being love is easy,being married is not.it is to be cherished.再怎么翻也没中文那种博大精深的感觉。所以现在的中国父母不要一味只强调娃儿学好英语,汉语才是首先该学好的。英语之所以成为世界通用语是因为简单好用,有几千年文化底蕴的东西才更有内涵展开全文
这世界有些人瓜到一种境界!简直就是瓜est, 可能这么讲太仁慈,应该说no one is so 瓜 as you. 更有甚者you are as 瓜 as can be. 关键有些人瓜到自己根本不知道的程度,那真的是as 瓜as anything. 当然如果你是万瓜之瓜的话,那你就是you are 瓜of 瓜s. 跟着葱哥学形容词最高级,葱哥原创,不要模仿!展开全文
Year-zero face(岁月无痕脸)is a term for the ageless visage created with fillers, Botox and chemical peels.指通过填充剂、肉毒杆菌、化学换肤等方式打造让人看不出实际年龄的完美面容。 有部分女性选择整容手术不是为了追求年轻面容,而是为了停留在某个年龄(很多人选择黄金又不显年龄的36岁
道理太简单,懂的人却太少,If you are not learning something new every day, you are wasting away days of your life. 如果每天不学点新东西,就是在浪费生命。 Every step towards your dream today is a step away from your regret tomorrow. 今日为梦想所付出的每份努力都会减少明日的一份后悔展开全文
An enthusiastic person can create a happy, carefree, and all-embracing life.He knows how to cultivate his good nature, enhance himself, and be compassionate.He is considered highly spiritual . 热爱生命的人必懂得寻找快乐,自在,自性,包容的人生,把自己扩大慈悲待人,心中自富有!展开全文 原微博