#边读边抄# Actually, it is the unification set in motion by these enthusiasms(the love of God, love of a nation, compassion for the oppressed...), rather than the manipulations of a scheming leadership, that transmutes noble impulses into a reality of hatred and violence.展开全文 原微博
#边读边抄# Gluttony is not the worst of vices, but it is the most contemptible. It is a sign of small-mindedness....But sex... is able to produce the most splendid flights of the soul as well as terrible tragedies.展开全文 原微博
#边读边抄# The writer must have been diverted from his natural satisfactions and sought to satisfy them in a socially respectable way, adding an erotic charm to things that have no real eros.展开全文 原微博
好例子!To think that ...would be like inferring that because the possibility of winning is a necessary presupposition of the game of chess there must be mysterious winning chess positions over and above those familiar in checkmates and resignations in actual or possible play.展开全文 原微博