Simple Guidelines 4 Happiness-Free your heart fm hate -Free your mind fm worry:Live simple Give more Expect less...Im the light of the world, he who follows Me shall by no means walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life-John 8:12 (Denis pic:A Painted Country)展开全文
华人各种活动大多先戴上帽子为了'中纽建交40年blur blur'洋人活动原来也有好看帽子戴,周日汽力赛就是为'庆祝英纽两国宗主关系钻石年'.觉得是个好东西分享以下:2月17号9am~noon_Auckland Domain.Big & little boys will love this event & for mums to catch up+chat~ @MoOMOoCO@阳光安妮@鱼小刺刺展开全文