回归集很给力。R妹纸华丽大反击;E婊贱态再次显露无疑;B黑妹目测法力将要无边;S怒言后潇洒离开“how many more ways are there for you to rip my heart out?!”形象一下子挽回了不少;大K要安排小J大开杀戒了;教授难缠还死不了;D萌这回算是和悲催男M一起打酱油。看看接下去R和S结盟会如何发展??展开全文
The dining room has an empty chair,The mirrored stair case has an empty stare,House full of company, but no one’s here,We’re singing cheers while we’re holding back tears,To keep up appearances in front of our peers...LL Cool J Ft. Ne-Yo – No More展开全文 原微博