#Self-Diagnostics# Lecture, fellowship, code blue, group study. Not a minute wasted. Had a great one. Totally. When as I plugged in the earphone, the music player incidentally jumped to <Total Praise>, and I thought to myself, well, praise the Lord, this couldn't be a better day.展开全文
#交予伶長#Avalon的<Still My God>。主歌以陰霾的小調起,象徵歌詞所描繪的彷徨無助、迷茫失落,直至進入副歌,和絃立即峰迴路轉變為陽光的大調,「無論是站在高崗/還是沉溺深海/無論是滿有盼望/還是呼求憐憫...祢仍是我的神」。好聽。大胃的Favorite,有「之一」。調用C sharp。🔗 网页链接展开全文
#Self-Diagnostics# Being gently ripped off of my facade and slapped across my face, I finally came to my senses when my ugliness and filthiness was unmasked. Yes, that's who I am. Upon such a timely wake-up call, I think the proper response for me is to live REAL and run LIGHT.展开全文
#Self-Diagnostics# Can't believe that the Lord would be so personally involved in such a teeny tiny thing that He at last second delivered the 12-volt power for me. No other way to put it but, waving those sticks does feel good. Oh gosh, if only those were hymns to play, ya know?展开全文
"There was a day when I died, utterly died, my opinions, preferences, tastes and will; died to the world, its approval or censure; died to the approval or blame even of my brethren and friends; and since then I have studied only to show myself approved to God." - George Mueller.展开全文
#Inexplicable Groaning# I shall neither faint nor falter, but calmly put my trust and hope in Thee. Thou wilt not turn deaf ears to me, this I know. For Thou Art mindful of me, spared not Thy Son and gave Him up for me. Thy deliverance, O my Adonai, is what I patiently wait for.展开全文
#Strength for Today#The church's understanding of the Spirit's Person and ministry has been seriously distorted over the past few decades. Charismatics have given undue emphasis to certain pentecostal gifts so that subjective experience is often elevated over objective truth.展开全文
#Inexplicable Groaning# Fellowship with the Lord, as well as with brothers and sisters in the Lord, is really desirable above riches, sweeter than honey in the honeycomb.展开全文
"Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either — but right through every human heart." -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.展开全文
#Medicine Grand Round# 静脉药瘾者的感染问题。至少收获了感染性赘生物栓塞肺部的三个影像学特点:外周分布、空洞形成和伴邻近肺组织或胸膜的炎症。说到IVDA,想起在急诊科时碰到的两个case。一个是教科书式的右心IE,另一个则是120出车到附近一个商场厕所发现的30岁男性,DOA,毫无疑问是吸毒过量。展开全文