I'm going to cover this song from Simply Red...I want it more minimalist, groovier bassline, more focus on the vocals...some goosebumps maybe 🔗 网页链接展开全文
“Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems; wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges; wish for more wisdom.”-Jim Rohn展开全文 原微博
Most of the world’s oldest people have certain behavioral traits in common, including: Staying socially connected Being conscientious Not worrying too much Remaining optimistic Laughing easily Living happily Acting extroverted展开全文 原微博
Even though I'm in China, I reserve the right to have an opinion on anything that affects me. If you think I do not have that right, then you belong in The Cultural Revolution era and not the 21st century.Think about that people.展开全文 原微博
"57% of Beijing's gold courses were opened AFTER the 2004 construction ban imposed by China's Stare Council"~Timeout Beijing. I always knew golf was a corrupt sport. We don't need to test them for performance enhancing drugs but we do need to start auditing all those mofos!展开全文
So, in China the air singes my nostrils,burns my lungs, and stings my eyes. In Surfers Paradise, the Sun burns my skin, and blinds my eyes...But at least I can breathe! Feel like going for a long run but I've got so much work to do and I'm worn out from the flight展开全文
Outside the pollution level is almost 500...inside I finally have FRESH AIR! My new Blue Air air purifier. I got this beast from World Health Stores in Beijing. Cleans air in a 56sq meter room!! Outstanding service and quality! @维衡生WHS@Drew_huzi@Dr_Abraham_KC_Ho展开全文
We've all heard the term "Walking Wounded" before...but have you heard the term "Working Wounded" before? People on a slippery slope who work and work and work and never pay attention to the rest, nutrition, and exercise they need to re-energize... @Drew_huzi展开全文 原微博
Protest in Hongqiao...Police surrounding Japanese Consulate. Really lame protest, but wonderful to see Chinese people caring about something other than whats for dinner and who is winning some stupid singing contest.展开全文
The Weixin chat function is the future of SMS. I have access to emoticons, animations, can send photo and video, and I can set different backgrounds and different people to always appear at the top. I wonder why Apple hasnt evolved iMessages when there is so much potential?展开全文 原微博